Wednesday, January 15, 2014

day 146 : crush my fears and sign up for a TRIATHLON!

you guys!
i did it!!
i signed up for a triathlon this morning.
remember this post? i talked about my fear of water. and taking adult swimming lessons for the first time.

yesterday, i signed up for 7 weeks of open swim {3x a week} through community ed. i was so excited about learning to swim that i signed up for a tri this morning..

i guess the only way to get it done, is to crush my fear & more forward.
you can read all about it on my vegan lifestyle blog here.

see you tomorrow ;)


  1. My husband and a bunch of friends do this tri every year. Maybe I'll see you there!

    1. jen! it would be awesome to connect before the race {and at the race, too!}
      it will be a big challenge, but i am excited!
