Tuesday, November 4, 2014

day 289 : {BOOK REVIEW} The Take Back of Lincoln Junior High

one of my 2014 goals is to read 52 books. right now, i am pretty far behind {i think i've read about 35-ish books} 
a couple months ago, roseanne cheng sponsored my blog! she's an educator, an author and the founder of teachable lit
between blake & i, we have worked with kids our entire adult lives. we have spent HOURS talking about education, behavior management, reform, the role of education in politics, and SO MUCH MORE! 

roseanne's blog is great ; if you love books and/or working with kids ; i recommend you check it out! 
she recently released a book, geared towards middle schoolers and i was lucky enough to receive a copy! 

the book follows a group of 6th graders, whose school has made quite a few financial cuts. big corporations get involved in the school and suddenly, the school is thriving. as the plot advances, we find {just like everything in life} that all that glitters, is not gold.
i really enjoyed this book & think there are so many teachable moments for kids & great reminders for adults! 

for my educator // book-lover // librarian // parent -friends ; i recommend checking out roseanne's blog & her book! 

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