Thursday, November 14, 2013

day 124 : GIVE TO THE MAX DAY!

its give to the max day today in minnesota! 
they have done a few surveys and studies and it turns out that when it comes to charitable giving, minnesotans are some of the most generous in the country! 
it really doesnt surprise me ; people here are pretty nice {as long as they arent driving. kindness on the interstate leaves something to be desired...}
anyways, today is the day! 
there is a really great website & pretty much EVERY group & organization in the state has a donation page up.
every year, blake and i sit down and pick 10 groups to support & then we give $10 to each. $10 might not seem like a lot, but we feel that giving small amounts to a large number of groups helps create a ripple of change.
because give to the max is such a big deal here {in 12 hours, people have donated OVER $9 MILLION dollars! and crashed the website!}, many groups have matching grants available! so, when you give $10, it is doubled // matched ; thats pretty awesome! 

if you live in minnesota {and even if you dont} ; head over and check out the website. there is a great search feature, so you can type in something you care about {kids, environment, dogs, ect} and you will find a TON of different options!
bonus : the site is up all year round, so if you are looking to donate stuffed animals or want to volunteer packing meals ; head over and find a group that fits your needs! 

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